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Levitra Brand

Learn more about benefits of Levitra Online

Levitra produced by Bayer, the German brand. The distinctive characteristics of pills from this manufacturer are very good compatibility and superior overall performance. Levitra in combination with sexual stimulation presents effective erection that lasts for a while. Levitra provides the increase of sex performance and allows obtain orgasm a couple of times in a row.

The medication contains an active ingredient - Vardenafil - that provides from 8 to 12 hours of sexual activity. If you consider that Viagra gives a short time effect, and 36 hours of erection from Cialis seems too much – Levitra will be a ideal solution. Levitra contains comparatively low amount of the active component - Vardenafil - and helps to avoid side effects or at least reduce them to minimum.


Levitra Brand 20mg

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General Information Levitra Original

The active ingredient of Levitra is Vardenafil. The pill contains 20mg of Vardenafil.

20mg of Vardenafil is a maximum dosage per day. You will need to take the recommended dose of Levitra at least Twenty five minutes in advance of sex. The period of Levitra's effectiveness is between Viagra and Cialis. Levitra works up to 12 hours, depending on the dosage and some other reasons.

Vardenafil boosts the blood flow to the penis and enhances the erection. A PDE-5 enzyme is an inhibitor that prevents the loss of erection. This component actively used in various medicines for erectile dysfunction treatment. It is permitted in UK as well. Vardenafil and sexual stimulation provide strong penile erection.

Contraindications to Levitra Brand

In case you have preconditions listed below, you may experience a decreased effectiveness of the pill and even some complications. The list of preconditions includes:

  • Ongoing treatment with other potency preparations;
  • Taking drugs that might interact with pills for potency;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Low blood pressure;
  • Susceptibility to priarism.

Levitra pills for potency enhancement contain an active ingredient that tolerates other medications well. Undesirable effects occur depending on compatibility of an individual.

Side Effects of Levitra Brand

Usually side effects of Levitra are not dangerous and have a short duration time.

Possible side effects are:

  • Headache;
  • Stiffness in nose;
  • Indigestive;
  • Flush.

Interaction with other medications

Levitra Brand interacts poorly with medicines containing N.O. donors or nitrates. Do not take Levitra pills if you take such medicines. Taking enzyme and AIDS medications also will require taking some precautions.

Proved that grapefruit or its fresh juice influences the effectiveness of Vardenafil component and has to be excluded from the ration. Effectiveness of Levitra Brand also depends on food you take – heavy meal and fattening will slow down the work of pills for potency.

Ought to be reported, that in general Vardenafil and Levitra Brand itself are risk-free and highly compatible medications with minor side effects. Consult with your doctor before taking the course of Levitra Brand.


Komentari o Levitri Brand

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od Miljenko
Danas sam ga dobio i odmah isprobao !! To je tako nevjerojatno! Napokon dolazim do točke koju zaista želim! Puno vam hvala !!!! Dat ću 4,5 zvjezdice! Jedini nedostatak je što moram pričekati barem jedan sat da stupi na snagu! Volio bih da je brži, ali ipak, sretan sam zbog ovog proizvoda !!!
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